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SAHODAYA Headlines

Welcome to Little Flower Sahodaya Complex

Dedicated to Excellence

Through the idea of Sahodaya Schools complexes was first mooted by the Education Commission,1966. It was the National policy on Education, 1966 which reiterated in strong words the need for promoting school complexes for meeting the quality of education. This set the tone for bringing the schools together and networking them for healthy interaction among themselves .The first national conference of Principals of CBSE affiliated schools organized by CBSE in collaboration with APSC Madras in 1985 emphasized collaboration among schools and establishing linkages in academic and other co-curricular and cultural activities. The idea of Schodaya School Complexes was further concretized when CBSE, jointly with NPSC, organized a two day conference of school principals and teachers in Delhi in October 1986. The resolution number 5 stated “Accepting the necessity for establishing school complex (es) which may be named SS complexes so that isolation that exists today between the schools will give way to partnership among schools within the complexes and they will work and rise together”. The year 1987 saw a further boost to the idea of setting up of SS complex (es) when CBSE in pursuance of the National Policy of Education, 1986 used a booklet titled “Implementation of National policy on Education in CBSE affiliated Schools-Programme of Action for three years” which reiterated school complexes and resolved to encourage the process of setting of Sahodaya School Complexes. Little flower sahodaya was started in the year 2016 with the efforts of the six school principals. Right from it’s starting LFsahodaya is conducting various ativites for the teachers and students. .

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We work hard to improve student ACHIEVEMENT

The sahodaya Group focuses upon the widespread interest on the quality based school reforms proposals. This is an analogue to the educative development of the institution and unlimitedly of the society at large. The Proponents of this claim to bring a much needed close of entreprenerial spirit and a competitive ethos to better Public education.

Preparing students for successful FUTURE

Good results are derived from good management. Good management is based on good decision making. Good decision making depends on good information. Good information requires good data and careful analysis of the data Little Flower Sahodaya is a planned work together to achieve its stated objectives and activated results.

Providing healthy learning ENVIRONMENT

School climate reflects the Physical and Psychological aspect of the school that are more susceptible to change and that provide the preconditions necessary for an effective teaching and learning to take place the motive of with and apt management. “Little Flower Sahoday” is to create a value oriented schools climate in all the school of Noth-Eastern region of U.P.


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Little Flower Sahodaya Member Schools

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